Saturday, May 9, 2015

I have some new stuff

I have some new stuff for my etsy show. dice bags  and maybe some other stuff you have to wait and see.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Ok Add

Alright I add some thing to my etsy shop to hope you are all visiting my etsy shop if not please do Please check out my youtube channels also lisafcrafts and This is Lisa's talk show. And I will be putting new stuff on etsy this weekend sometime not shore when but I will I hope.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

I have been busy

I have been so busy with new job so video have to wait. but I have some new stuff for my etsy shop. new stuff animals and some hat and diaper covers will be up soon. I will be doing some dog collars with ribben. I want to do some t-shirt dress and some onez. I want to crochet some dress for little girls. got so much planed. pleas visit my etsy shop at check out my youtube channels lisafcrafts and This is Lisa's talk show.